Compagnie de Provence Kind to your skin and cruelty-free, Compagnie de Provence uses traditional methods to create a beautiful range of home and body products. The collection includes Marseille soaps, cosmetics, fragrances, candles and diffusers. Sort by:Recently addedRecommendedPrice - low to highPrice - high to lowA - ZZ - APopularityFilter:APDEarnEarn Airpoints Dollars 3PriceANaN+ ANaN+ BrandCittà 1Compagnie de Provence 2CategoryBath & Body 3Beauty & Health 3Cleaning supplies 2Home & Tech 2Home appliances 2Home Care 2Skincare 3ColourAromatic Lavender 1Black Tea 1Cashmere 1Cotton Flower 1Delicate 1Fig of Provence 1Fresh Verbena 1Olive Wood 1Pink Grapefruit 1White Tea 1Wild Rose 1SizeOther 61 Litre 3300ml 3500ml 1You're viewing 1 to 3 of 3CittàBlack & White Liquid Marseille Soap White Tea 300mlAvailable in 2 colour variationsBlack TeaWhite TeaA39.90 to A64.90Add to wishlistCompagnie de ProvenceC&D Liquid Marseille SoapAvailable in 2 colour variationsCashmereDelicateA37.90 to A64.90Add to wishlistCompagnie de ProvenceExtra Pur Liquid Soap RefillAvailable in 7 colour variationsAromatic LavenderCotton FlowerFig of ProvenceFresh VerbenaOlive WoodPink GrapefruitWild RoseA31.90 to A59.90Add to wishlistYou're viewing 1 to 3 of 3toapprox2a1bcf5c-8166-4f30-ac13-853b0f592513